The Green Comet

Looking Up while Looking Down

For Clint. In his “Thoughts on Various Subjects” from 1706, Jonathan Swift wrote: “Old men and comets have been reverenced for the same reason: their long beards and pretences to foretell events”. Green Comet Slooh art streaks ZTF Let’s face it. the true fortune tellers are the scientists who can predict when a cataclysm, stability or highpoint, could be expected. [Read More]

What happened in 1054?

People of value come and go, then what?

This is the Crab Nebula Messier Object 1, it is not the best image out there, but bear with me, it was my first mission to visit this M1 and I am happy to add it to my SLOOH gallery. While you look at the Crab Nebula, travel back in time with me, only a thousand years or so. We set our time traveling machine’s dial to 1054, and we are going to the Sung dynasty in China. [Read More]

Messier Marathon

Will you be famous for avoiding the comets or nebulae?

I started running about 10 years ago and have completed a couple of half-marathons, but sitting on my behind for a living and crafting software has not served me well to complete a full marathon, yet. There is a different marathon that I will soon be taking part in however, which is the Messier Marathon. I will be rewarded for sitting on my butt while I marvel at the wonders of a catalog compiled by comet hunter, Charles Messier and first published in 1774. [Read More]

Candyfloss and Oranges

Once in a lifetime

My first ever image captured on SLOOH was of Caldwell 41 (Mel 25). The Sun a ripe orange The Candyfloss Lagoon Caldwell 41 (Mel 25) It was completely unintentional. I was still trying to figure out how it all worked. I clicked a few buttons, then embarked on my first quest and purposefully took a photo of our magnificent Sun. [Read More]